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Holistic Treatment for Codependency

Holistic Treatment for Codependency. Life is relational, and relationships are a cornerstone of our ability to live well, feel connected, and be happy. When relationships are healthy, all parties demonstrate respect, caring, and understanding of each other. But when they’re unhealthy, they can become a toxic one-way street of giving without reciprocation.

In codependent relationships, we lose sight of the boundaries that should exist between us and others. These boundaries allow us to see where we end and someone else begins, and maintain our sense of identity. They’re essential to making good decisions and having positive interactions with our partners, family, and friends.

Codependent relationships can drain vital energy and lead to low self-worth, addiction, and abuse. And because they involve so much emotional confusion, they can make it very hard for the people stuck in them to see their relationship for what it is.

We know how exhausting living a life of codependency can feel. That’s why our holistic treatment program is designed to help you make a complete recovery from codependency, so you can engage fully in life once again.

What is Codependency?

Codependency, at its core, consists of one person giving their power away to another. It’s a harmful, dysfunctional relationship that can take place with a person, substance or behavior – a process that looks very much like an addiction.

Though making sacrifices for our relationships from time to time is completely natural, when this behavior is based on a more deeply held need to feel needed, this is called codependency. This unequal exchange of energy and habitual, excessive giving in a relationship can become a toxic way of life. 

Codependency is based on a core belief that the world is unsafe. This is a very real fear that many people learn as “truth” when growing up in dysfunctional homes. Often codependent behaviors manifest as the need to control, manipulate, obsess, and worry about external circumstances in order to feel safe.

How Do I Know if I’m Codependent?

Because of the nature of codependent relationships themselves, it can be hard to recognize when you’re in one. But this is an important first step that allows you to begin the process of healing. These types of relationships often feel like living in a state of fear and result in behaviors like micromanaging. Codependency can also show up as control issues: feeling like it’s your responsibility to always make sure everyone is happy.

Other signs of codependency might include:

  • Feeling like it’s selfish to take care of your own needs, or that they’re not important
  • Not having a clear sense of what you want or need
  • Basing your idea of yourself on other people’s opinions
  • Centering your life on making others happy
  • Trying to fix your partners or believing you’d be happy if they just made a change
  • Pervasive insecurity
  • Hypervigilance: being on high alert all the time
  • Constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop
  • Accepting or justifying your partner’s abusive behavior
  • Changing your behavior or compromising your values to avoid conflict
  • The need to constantly be together; clinginess
  • Obsessing over other people
  • Blaming yourself for the actions of others

Ultimately, codependent relationships hinder our ability to effectively care for and love ourselves.

Non-12 Step Holistic Treatment for Codependency Does Exist

Codependency treatment isn’t widely talked about because it’s generally not considered as severe as other issues like substance abuse. In fact, forms of codependency are commonly encouraged in our society, making them difficult to recognize as problems even when we feel the pain they cause in our lives. But the truth is, identifying and treating codependency is hugely important. Codependency occurs at epidemic proportions and is at the core of most depression and anxiety disorders.

When we don’t feel connected with our authentic self – when we’re not able to follow our own heart’s desire – we inevitably begin to feel resentful, unappreciated, drained, and despairing. This state of disconnection is so agonizing that many people search for relief through substances, prescription drugs, disordered eating, and other compulsive behaviors to distract from their feelings. In fact, at The Sanctuary, most of the clients who come to us for addiction ultimately find that codependent tendencies are a large factor in how they got to where they are.

Codependency can absolutely be a soul-draining condition to live with. And this can have detrimental impacts not only on your relationships but on your own ability to be well. That’s why The Sanctuary has created an intensive, all-inclusive program designed to walk you through all stages of healing so that you can be recovered from codependency, and start to feel excited about life.

Why Should I Seek Non-12 Step Holistic Treatment Over 12-Step Treatment?

The codependent perspective is often used as a distraction: as long as we’re so focused on other people, we’re not looking at what’s going on within ourselves. But at some point, the coping mechanisms we build to enable our own avoidance stop working. And while this may be uncomfortable, it’s also an incredible opportunity to make a real change. When this happens, we can finally start to shift from feeling like a victim to our external circumstances – our partner’s moods, our children’s lives, our jobs – to turning our attention inward.

Our holistic, non-12 Step treatment for codependency has to do with finding your own inner voice and personal power. Our kind and accepting team of experts at our codependency treatment center helps you gain perspective on your situation, work through the issues at its core, and reconnect to your innate source of joy and happiness. We do this by:

  • Shedding dysfunctional belief systems
  • Facing the hidden fears controlling your behavior
  • Finding your passion and envisioning your future
  • Bringing your new, self-determined life into being

When you find the strength to create the life you want, you can see codependency for what it is rather than taking it on as your identity – and be free from it for life.

Who is Most at Risk for Developing Codependency Problems?

Codependency often goes hand-in-hand with other problems, like substance abuse, depression, and anxiety. While no set of circumstances determines our destiny to become codependent, certain factors can make us more likely to encounter this type of behavior.

Relationships in which one or more partners are struggling with addiction are often codependent. This can include substance abuse or behavioral addictions like sex, love, food, and gambling. Those of us who developed a fear of abandonment as a result of adverse childhood experiences are likelier to have lower self-esteem, which can ultimately lead to codependent behaviors.

Other risk factors include growing up with exposure to addiction in the home environment, as well as a history of depression. Codependency is often present in abusive relationships.

What Are the Different Types of Treatment for Codependency?

Our holistic treatment for healing codependency uses a combination of multiple therapies to address your concerns on all levels on which they occur. These can include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Psychotherapy – understanding codependency on a mental level, changing codependent behaviors, and learning techniques for managing relationships
  • Bodywork – releasing trauma and stresses that are held in the physical body
  • Nutritional Therapy – encouraging positive brain change and healing on a cellular level
  • Energy Medicine – discovering more deeply held sources of codependency and removing toxic patterning
  • Ecotherapy – immersion in nature to reset your biological rhythms and accelerate the healing process

Can The Sanctuary at Sedona Treat Codependency?

The Sanctuary’s holistic codependency treatment program is based on creating internal empowerment so that you no longer have to look to external sources to meet your deeper needs. We take great care to create an atmosphere of acceptance and love, where you’ll feel like an equal and respected member of our community. We know how important it is to feel safe before you can begin doing any type of vulnerable work; that’s why we create a setting where you can truly feel free to be yourself.

Through the process of working through our treatment program, which is supported each step of the way by your therapists and others in treatment, you’ll begin to more clearly understand your situation. That shift in perspective permits you to create new, more constructive ways of living so that you no longer need to operate in the shadows of toxicity. Throughout your experience, the relationships you build and group work you perform with peers support your progress by giving you a chance to share your experiences and practice new skills.

We bring our full attention to seeing and understanding who you truly are – and your journey will allow you to see it, too.

What Clients say About our Holistic Treatment for Codependency

Graduates of our holistic codependency treatment program describe The Sanctuary this way:

“A place of healing and reclaiming your power back to feel whole again.”

“It’s magical and everything and more you would want from a healing standpoint. If you’re looking to overcome an addiction or mental health issue, this is the place to come.”

Remember: You Don’t Have to Feel Alone

Codependent relationships commonly come to feel downright inescapable. But inner healing allows you to change your relationship with yourself, and therefore your relationships with others.

When you’ve had an opportunity to do this work, you can come back to relationships as a new version of yourself. You’ll feel less afraid and find it easier to navigate friendships, partnerships, and family dynamics from a place of confidence and self-love.

What you’re going through is real. And you don’t have to go through it anymore.

Learn how to heal yourself and engage in healthy, mutually satisfying relationships – contact us today to learn more.

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