Why Consider IV Therapy in Sedona During Residential Addiction, Depression, PTSD, Anxiety And Trauma Treatment The Power of IV Medicine
Depression, anxiety, trauma, and addiction depletes the body and damages the brain. This leads to impaired decision-making, irritability, sleep issues, feelings of despair, and hopelessness. Toxic overload is not only created through substance use but also through the ongoing saturation of stress hormones caused by depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
In order for someone to have an optimal treatment experience, we discovered over the past 2 decades that the body and brain need additional nutrient support beyond our specialized diet and supplement protocol. IV drip therapies help people get more out of their treatment experience because they feel better faster and can go deeper into their treatment process.
Various nutrients are essential for the harmonious function of your body. Delivering them directly into the bloodstream allows the cells of your body to receive a direct and powerful boost of those nutrients, thereby restoring harmony and balance quickly and efficiently.
This allows the nutrients to have a more powerful and direct action on the tissues of your body while quickly correcting deficiencies and accelerating healing.
The Sanctuary offers Ketamine Assisted Therapy, NAD+, and Vitamin IV Therapy as an add-on with additional cost to Our holistic 30-day, residential drug, and trauma recovery program. All IV Therapy treatments are offered through our licensed on-campus medical clinic.