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Residential Trauma Treatment Programs in Sedona

Holistic Trauma Treatment Near You

Trauma is an emotional and psychological response to an event or series of events that are deeply distressing or disturbing. Trauma can have profound and lasting effects on a person’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

The experience becomes so deeply rooted in your mind that it feels nearly inescapable, impacting your sense of safety, self-image, ability to regulate emotions, fears, and ability to navigate everyday life.

No matter the trauma you have experienced, know that freedom is possible, and a better life awaits.

At the Sanctuary at Sedona, we understand that trauma is an individual experience. Each person’s response to trauma is unique, influenced by factors such as personal history, support systems, and coping strategies. Our holistic trauma healing approach sees you as a whole person and our goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment for trauma recovery unique to your needs.

The Sanctuary at Sedona is a holistic trauma treatment center and with a minimum 30-Day stay, we can help you lay down your burdens and discover long-lasting healing.

Start Healing Today

You are not broken, and at The Sanctuary, we don’t treat you that way. Our holistic, non-12 Step trauma treatment program is a journey of empowerment that encourages healing from trauma naturally. 

Understanding Trauma

As humans, our sense of safety develops from the messages we get early in life. Trauma, whether it takes place in one dramatic event or repeatedly over time, can shatter that security. In fact, it can make the entire world seem dangerous and unfriendly.

Trauma is your mind and body’s response to a deeply disturbing event. It overwhelms your ability to cope, diminishes your sense of self, and your capacity to feel a full range of emotions.

If you’ve experienced trauma, you may develop symptoms that can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Living in this psychological state, can be paralyzing. You might:

    • Relive the trauma in your body and mind
    • Avoid anything that reminds you of the traumatic experience
    • Feel constantly on guard
    • Be unable to fall asleep or stay asleep
    • Be afraid to leave the house
    • Blame yourself for what happened

Survivors of trauma often feel guilty and ashamed, but these are common symptoms of trauma and do not mean what happened to you is your fault.

  Can You Fully Long-Term Trauma? | What Will Trauma Survivors Take Away From Treatment? | Can You Continue Trauma Treatment at Home? | How The Sanctuary at Sedona Can Help

Non-12 Step Holistic Treatment for Trauma

The Sanctuary at Sedona focuses on holistic trauma recovery. Unlike other treatment programs, our non-12 Step approach sees you as a whole person with your own emotional, mental and physical responses to the trauma you encountered. We personalize your trauma recovery program so you can find your individual path to healing.

Many people believe that trauma is the result of extreme circumstances like military combat, natural disaster, or physical violence. But the truth is, it can come in many different forms, including:

  • Acute trauma: From a single distressing event, such as a car accident, sudden loss, or even witnessing an act of violence.
  • Chronic trauma: Resulting from a series of traumatic events over a longer period of time, such as bullying or homelessness.
  • Developmental trauma: Takes place during early childhood, such as neglect or repeated hospitalizations.

Trauma isn’t what happened, but by how you respond to it. In fact, your body and brain don’t know the difference between “big” and “small” trauma.

Unfortunately, the world isn’t always a trauma-sensitive place. At The Sanctuary, we teach people struggling with trauma how to deal with triggers, instead of rearranging their lives to avoid them. Through the intensive holistic trauma healing we offer; you’ll learn how to increase your emotional tolerance, so you don’t get overwhelmed as easily. You’ll also develop skills to deal with your emotions, helping you regain balance when challenges arise.

Kelley Alexander JD. Program Director of The Sanctuary at Sedona explains Holistic Trauma Treatment.

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Can You Fully Heal Long-Term Trauma?

According to mainstream treatment philosophy, trauma never fully goes away. The best we can hope for in this scenario is managing its symptoms.

But we think differently.

In our non-12-Step, holistic trauma healing program, we support the idea that significant healing from trauma is possible . We’ve witnessed countless people achieve substantial recovery through our program.

Our goal is to help you unravel the stories you’ve created around your trauma that keep you stuck in unhealthy thought patterns, behaviors, and relationships.

Instead of constantly feeling unsafe, you’ll gain the freedom to fully express yourself in the world. In this empowered state, you’re able to embark on your life’s work and realize your dreams. While healing from trauma is a continuous process, many people find they can reach a point where trauma no longer dominates their lives. This is what we consider full trauma recovery.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

There is a minimum 30-Day stay at the Sanctuary at Sedona’s integrative trauma treatment center. During this time, you will:

  • Receive detailed assessments to determine the extent of your trauma and pinpoint areas of concern
  • Begin to feel safe, secure, and accepted in our warm and loving environment
  • Form meaningful relationships with your peers and members of your treatment team
  • Identify core themes and disempowering beliefs you’ve developed over time
  • Recognize the coping mechanisms you use to help yourself feel better
  • Get clear on what your specific needs are
  • Develop the ability to name and discuss your emotions
  • Release trauma that’s stored in your nervous system
  • Learn to better care for your body, brain, and energetic well-being

During this process you may experience uncomfortable emotions, which can be addressed in daily group and individual counseling sessions. Additionally, you may relieve stress with relaxing therapies like massage, yoga, and connecting with nature.

This process gives you a unique opportunity to work through discomfort in new ways and change patterns you may have been holding onto for a long time. And you’ll be in a safe space, surrounded by people who are dedicated to facilitating your personal healing journey.

What Will Trauma Survivors Take Away From Treatment?

While in treatment, you’ll learn to break free from the conditioning that has kept you feeling unsafe. You’ll develop skills and experience outcomes like:

  • A fundamental shift in your perspective
  • Dealing with triggers in a healthy and effective way
  • Feeling less triggered, because your internal narrative has changed
  • Forgiving and accepting yourself
  • Restoring parts of you that were lost due to trauma
  • Embracing positive aspects of yourself
  • Transforming your wounds into sources of strength
  • Reclaiming your inner wisdom and fearlessness
  • Reconnecting with your body
  • Feeling like yourself again
  • Beginning to see your bigger picture

With your therapists, you’ll develop new strategies and healing strategies for trauma that help you feel more capable and confident in dealing with life’s challenges. While challenges will still arise, success means they become:

  • Less frequent
  • Less intensely when they do,
  • And quicker to navigate.

This healing journey not only benefits you but also has a generational impact on your family — both for those who came before you and for those who will come after you.

Can You Continue Trauma Treatment at Home?

At The Sanctuary, your trauma recovery continues even after you return home from residential treatment. Our eight-week continuing care program is a central and integrated part of trauma treatment. During this program:

  • You’ll have weekly one-on-one sessions with a trauma recovery expert, to continue your progress.
  • You’ll also attend weekly group calls to stay in touch with the friends you made in treatment and continue working together.

This program builds upon the work you did at The Sanctuary residential program. It begins by making sure your basic needs are met and your support system is strong. You’ll review the tools you gained during y treatment and put them into action in your daily life. We’ll also pay special attention to any areas that still need to be a focus.

Ultimately, you’ll focus what fuels and excites you. You get to be creative about designing your own life! We’ll connect you with resources tailored to your needs and interests, and we’ll be here to help you along the way.

How Can The Sanctuary at Sedona Help Me?

We understand how debilitating trauma can be, but we also believe in your ability to heal.

You are not destined to live a life of making yourself small. You deserve to be seen and supported, and the world needs what you have to offer!

At The Sanctuary, we provide a pathway to true transformation. One former client describes our program as:

“Blissfully challenging and graciously rewarding.”

Another alum of our non-12-Step treatment program simply says:

“The Sanctuary is the place that saved my life.”

Contact Us and Start Your Healing Journey with Trauma Therapy in Sedona 

You too can experience all the challenges and rewards of this life-changing journey. Reach out to us today!

Our serene campus in the red rocks of Sedona is designed to enhance and encourage the healing process for your mind, body and soul. Our admissions coordinator is here to answer all your questions and help you figure out the details so you can be on your way to living a life you truly desire.

If you’re ready to break trauma’s hold over your life, choose The Sanctuary, Sedona’s holistic trauma treatment center. Contact us online or call us today at (866) 247-9792 to learn more about our integrative trauma treatment center.

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