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All About the Components of Holistic Health

Components of Holistic Health. The collective state of the world we live in is bringing the importance of health to the forefront of our minds. In these times of uncertainty, we’re often concerned about our wellbeing – we want to increase our immunity, know that we’re resilient to illness, and make sure all of our systems are functioning properly. These are all essential aspects of life, and it’s completely understandable that you’d want them to be in the best possible condition.

Sometimes it’s necessary to take a break. Taking a step back from the daily grind allows us to find a sense of inner calm, regain perspective on how we’re living and create new, healthy patterns in place of the toxic ones we’d like to part ways with.

The Sanctuary’s holistic recovery center offers whole-person healing. While Western medicine diagnoses a problem and eradicates it (sometimes in spite of other aspects of your health) holistic treatment works with what you have going on. Instead of villainizing what’s causing you pain, holistic medicine seeks to understand what it’s pointing to and to correct your relationship with it so that all is restored to balance.

What Are the Components of Holistic Health?

Holistic health has to do with all aspects of who you are and your relationship to the world around you. Let’s take a look at a few of these components, how they affect our lives, and how they can best be supported. 

Holistic Health: The Physical Aspect

This is the first thing that usually comes to mind when we think about health, as changes to our physical state are easy to perceive. But physical health has to do with so much more than working out or maintaining a physique.

Your physical body contains a record of all your past trauma, which is stored in your cells. As unprocessed trauma accumulates, it can lead to physical health complications, and even change the way your brain functions.

How it’s treated:

The food you eat, the water you drink, the air you breathe, and the environment you’re in all have a profound impact on your physical wellbeing. In fact, diet alone can deactivate hundreds of genes for disease, and activate hundreds more for health. At The Sanctuary, we treat physical health using:

  • Nutrition: anti-inflammatory meals made with organic, high-vibe superfoods, as well as education by a nutritionist on how to maintain a supportive diet
  • Yoga and bodywork: trauma-sensitive therapies aimed at releasing pent-up stress and tension
  • Eco-therapy: immersion in nature to calm your nervous system and recalibrate your biological balance

What that means for you:

Releasing trauma and emotional stress is a huge component of healing. The good news is, the physical aspect of recovery not only feels great but provides a satisfying avenue for helping you let go of stuck trauma. Physical health also directly affects your mental health, and vice versa – which means that getting well in this area opens opportunities in others.

Holistic Health: The Mental Aspect

Mental health refers to the way our brains work: how they process information and regulate our emotions. Depression and anxiety are common and often talked about casually, but they can have very serious consequences. Hopelessness, extreme mood swings, negative inner voices, and loss of focus are all signs that should be heeded.

The conventional approach to treating mental health problems is centered on the use of prescription medication. But many antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications cause chemical imbalances in the brain and lead to dependency – which is often a bigger problem than the ones they’re designed to treat. While we don’t discredit the benefits of medication for some people, we also realize that there’s a deeper cause of mental health issues that psychiatry alone fails to address.

Conditions like anxiety and depression are often trying to bring our attention to something that needs to be changed in our life. Therapies like energy medicine can be used to access the origins of these problems, and support you through the process of healing them.

How it’s treated:

At The Sanctuary, we promote mental health using therapies such as:

  • Psychotherapy: CBT, ACT, family counseling and inner child therapy to look deeper at the present issues
  • Meditation: Using mindfulness techniques to change brain wave frequency and restore a sense of calm
  • Examining belief systems: identifying the origins of your narrative and freeing yourself to be who you most authentically are

What that means for you:

Your beliefs influence your thoughts, which influence your behaviors. Understanding how your brain has formed patterns that may have led to less-desirable outcomes in your life and harnessing its ability to change can radically affect your ability to live a happy and fulfilled life.

You have more control over your internal state than you may realize. Therapies like these, combined with lasting lifestyle changes that support health, naturally nourish your brain back to health so that you feel good from the inside out.

Holistic Health: The Spiritual Aspect

Your soul is the deepest, truest essence of who you are. When we engage in things that are out of alignment with who we are, as often happens with addiction, we lose touch with our true nature. And that can be an extremely painful place to be. This is why so many people who struggle with addiction find themselves lost in listlessness and hopelessness – a nagging feeling that something is missing.

Addiction affects us spiritually – and recovery is an incredible opportunity to connect with yourself on a soul level in ways that you never have before.

How it’s treated:

The soul thrives when it’s fed with love, meaning, community, and connection. It needs to be nourished by things it can understand. Those things often come in creative forms, like music, art, and ceremony. At The Sanctuary, we heal the soul with:

  • Energy medicine: guidance and accompaniment by experienced practitioners on a journey to uncover and resolve hidden issues
  • Rites of passage therapy: using ceremony to enhance your sense of meaning and connection to the world around you
  • Expressive art therapies: finding new means of expression through a process that allows you to access parts of your being that talk therapy can’t reach

What that means for you:

Being in good spiritual health means you’re able to connect with yourself and others and to better understand yourself in the larger context of life. Your soul is where your life gains its meaning. And when you’re listening to its guidance, you’re able to live in a way that’s true to who you are.

Holistic Health: The Social Aspect

Humans are social creatures, and our health depends largely on how well we’re able to form meaningful relationships with others. It’s important for all of us to feel a sense of belonging. In fact, research shows that social isolation is linked to a higher risk for a number of serious health problems, like heart disease, cognitive decline, and immune disorders.

That belonging is especially therapeutic for people struggling with addiction, for whom loneliness is a primary feature of life. 

How it’s treated:

At The Sanctuary, we see ourselves as a small community of equals. And when you’re here, you’re immediately accepted as part of it. We all spend time together, eat meals together, get to know each other and form lasting relationships with each other, and that sense of community plays a major role in your recovery. Many of our clients find that it goes a long way in healing their family dynamic. Here, you’ll find an environment of total acceptance and love – and this allows you to feel comfortable and supported, even when you’re working through vulnerable issues.

What that means for you:

The friendships you form at The Sanctuary serve as a reference point for how you can maintain fulfilling relationships with others in your life. You’ll learn how to set healthy boundaries that allow you to navigate relationships successfully. And you’ll work on getting a strong support network in place so that you’re surrounded by people who encourage your continued progress.

What Does Holistic Health Mean for Full Recovery?

When mental health and addiction treatment is holistic, it treats the whole of you. This means that rather than paying attention to only an isolated problem, it uncovers what got you to where you are, and heals all areas that are affected. And when true, deep transformation happens, these problems don’t recur, because their causes don’t remain hidden in a part of you that wasn’t accessed by treatment.

Learning how to be holistically well also means an ability to change the way you live after treatment. It means knowing how to give your brain and body what they need, how to connect with others in healthier ways, and how to live a life that’s soul-guided. When you’re recovered, you no longer have to live in fear of repeating the same old patterns.

Be fully recovered with The Sanctuary’s holistic treatment program: contact us today.

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