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Holistic Recovery Center

Conventional addiction treatments that follow the 12-Step method have helped numerous people toward recovery. But many who complete these programs find that they still feel something is missing. 12-Step recovery often focuses on treating addiction at the mental level. While this is important, it’s also essential to go beyond that and heal its root causes. 

At The Sanctuary at Sedona, we focus on a complete roadmap to recovery. Within our holistic rehabilitation center in Sedona, AZ, our integrative addiction recovery program includes science-based, holistic treatments that dig deeper than just mental-level therapy. We pay equal attention to the mind, body, soul and spirit — because addiction involves all parts of your being. Here, you go beyond just learning techniques for remedying symptoms. You’ll learn how to connect with your authentic self and rediscover life’s joys. 

What Is Holistic Treatment?

Holistic treatment is a form of healing that considers every area of a person’s life. In medicine, holistic therapies are characterized by healing the whole person. They account for an individual’s body, mind, emotions, spirit and various other factors to help them achieve optimal wellness. 

The goal of holistic treatment is to help people find proper balance in their life. The belief is that although a person is made up of different parts, each element is interdependent. If one area of your life is not working properly, then all the other parts are affected. This concept means any imbalance — physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual — can impact your overall health.

The term holistic treatment is a broad category that includes a wide array of therapeutic techniques designed to help people achieve optimal wellness. Today, holistic treatments are used with various medical practices to help people find and achieve their individual health goals, including general health and wellness, mental and emotional health and addiction medicine. Some of the most recognized holistic offerings include:

  • Lifestyle changes, like diet and exercise
  • Indigenous wisdom traditions like acupuncture, yoga and meditation
  • Complementary therapies like chiropractic care, IV therapy and massage therapy
  • Psychotherapies, like cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Family, relationship and spiritual counseling
  • Doctor-prescribed medications

Holistic Healing for Addiction

Holistic treatment sees addiction as a symptom of the entire human system — which requires that equal attention be paid to its mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Because of this, The Sanctuary seeks to combine cutting-edge addiction therapies with more natural healing treatments for addiction.

Your comprehensive and personalized program may include the following therapies (and so much more) to ensure each area of your life is addressed during the holistic healing process:


  • Psychology/therapy sessions
  • Mindfulness and meditation practice
  • Life skills and recovery coaching


  • Nutritional counseling and meals based on healthy, organic superfoods
  • Nature therapy
  • Yoga and exercise


  • Breathwork techniques
  • Ceremony as a means of self-discovery
  • Creative therapies for reconnecting with yourself


  • Education on your energy body and its role in recovery
  • Energy medicine techniques to restore you to a state of balance
  • Removal of disruptive energy patterns, which can deregulate the nervous system

Holistic Healing for Mental and Emotional Health Issues

Mental and emotional health issues impact every aspect of life. Truly effective treatment must provide a more comprehensive approach. Too often, patients experiencing trauma, depression or anxiety are treated as a series of symptoms rather than a whole individual. This approach can lead to misdiagnoses and a great deal of frustration as individuals try one ineffectual treatment after another without truly addressing the underlying issue.

At The Sanctuary, our holistic approach recognizes mental health and emotional difficulties as conditions of the mind, body and spirit. Our comprehensive methods help you find healing from trauma, depression and PTSD naturally, supporting lasting wellness.

What Is a Holistic Recovery Center?

The Sanctuary at Sedona is more than an addiction treatment center — we are a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual rehab center committed to helping you find a more holistic path to healing. Each individual we meet is unique, with their own struggles, hopes and goals. As a true holistic recovery center, we are pioneers in holistic treatment. We want to hear your story so we can find the therapies and services that will best meet your recovery goals.

The Sanctuary takes a truly comprehensive approach to treating addiction. Our program is based on four distinct stages of healing:

  1. Identifying the beliefs you’ve accrued over time, the wounds that caused them and the defenses you’ve built to cope with them
  2. Shedding a light on parts of yourself, both positive and negative, that have been avoided and hidden away
  3. Healing and reintegrating lost parts of yourself to restore you to wholeness — envisioning a future that aligns with your life’s purpose
  4. Implementing real-life changes and living out your passions

Here, you’re guided through every stage of the recovery journey by a loving, attentive team. Our expert practitioners assist you through each step, paying close attention to your progress. While the work we do is pretty major, we intentionally pace the program so that it feels achievable and doesn’t overwhelm you.

How Are Holistic Recovery Centers Different Than AA Treatment Centers?

Alcoholics Anonymous offers a supportive network of members aiming for the same goal: to stay sober and help others achieve the same. It follows 12 steps that members continually work on, and they can revisit parts of it whenever they need to. The strong community aspect that AA provides helps many people abstain from substances and make connections that are beneficial to their lives. This approach can be very effective, up to a point.

As a non-12 Step drug treatment center, we differ in our view of addiction recovery. Instead of seeing you as someone who is innately sick, powerless over addiction, and in need of lifelong recovery, we believe it is possible to be fully recovered. When true healing takes place, the substances or other addictive behaviors used to mask trauma, as a result, lose their appeal.

The Holistic Recovery Process at The Sanctuary

We believe that a program isn’t really holistic if any part of the healing process is ignored. Our treatments place equal importance on clinical, scientific, energetic, physical, and nutritional care. Meanwhile, your therapists will closely monitor your experience to make sure you’re receiving the full benefits of each stage of healing.

Here, you can expect:

  • A fully integrated program that doesn’t just offer alternative therapies as add-ons
  • Advanced treatment methods informed by groundbreaking science
  • A welcoming, down-to-earth community
  • Amazing organic, anti-inflammatory food that nourishes you on a cellular level and accelerates your healing processes
  • Every component of your treatment tied together in a complete, organized experience

Holistic Treatment Offerings at The Sanctuary

“Holistic” is defined as “relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts.” At our holistic, non-12 Step rehab, we see you not as someone with a compartmentalized illness, but as a whole person — and offer therapies to treat you accordingly. These may include some combination of the following healing modalities, which are integrated into a highly personalized program designed to best meet your needs:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Trauma release exercises (TRE)
  • Individual and group process therapy
  • Shadow work
  • Nutrition
  • Energy medicine
  • Sound healing
  • Eco-therapy
  • Movement and bodywork
  • Ceremonial rites of passage
  • Addiction science education
  • Mindfulness-based relapse prevention
  • Recovery skills coaching

Frequently Asked Questions About Holistic Healing for Addiction

If you struggle with addiction or trauma and are looking for an integrative approach to healing, you probably have many questions about holistic healing. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you decide if a holistic treatment approach is right for you.

Is Holistic Rehab Better Than AA?

If you’ve tried a 12-Step program and it didn’t work for you, understand it’s completely normal — and that more options do exist.

You may be holding onto disempowering beliefs about yourself as a result of past trauma. As long as this is the case, reverting to the unconscious coping strategies you’ve built to deal with them remains a likely possibility.

This seemingly inescapable cycle leaves many people yearning for a deeper healing at the soul level — which is why so many are now turning to holistic recovery centers for help.

Is a Holistic Recovery Center Right for Me?

It’s frustrating to feel stuck in a cycle of addiction. If you’ve been through multiple rounds of 12-Step rehab, you may feel a yearning to address an underlying problem you know is there, even if you’re not sure exactly what it is.

The Sanctuary’s comprehensive program helps you get to the “why” of your addiction issues.

The transformation process you’ll experience here is the result of a powerful synergy created by our team. Clinical psychologists, counselors, energy medicine practitioners, alternative health specialists, and nutritionists come together and apply their expertise to guiding your recovery process. This thoroughness of care allows you to make major leaps in your personal journey. 

With the wide array of holistic treatment options we have available, you’re encouraged to explore different paths to find out what resonates with you. You don’t just receive treatment here: you own your self-discovery journey.

With the wide array of holistic treatment options, we have available, you’re encouraged to explore different paths to find out what resonates with you. You don’t just receive treatment here: you own your self-discovery journey.

What is Holistic Treatment? Is it Better Than AA?

Holistic treatment sees addiction as a symptom of the entire human system – which requires that equal attention be paid to its mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Your treatment program at The Sanctuary may include the following therapies (and so much more):


  • Psychology/therapy sessions
  • Mindfulness and meditation practice
  • Life skills and recovery coaching


  • Nutritional counseling and meals based on healthy, organic superfoods
  • Nature therapy
  • Yoga and exercise

  • Breathwork techniques
  • Ceremony as a means of self-discovery
  • Creative therapies for reconnecting with yourself


  • Education on your energy body and its role in recovery
  • Energy medicine techniques to restore you to a state of balance
  • Removal of disruptive energy patterns, which can deregulate the nervous system

Does Holistic Treatment Equal Recovery?

At The Sanctuary, we believe that you can be recovered.

Conventional rehab wisdom states that addiction is a “chronic, lifelong disease.” But a growing body of scientific evidence shows that this disease model may not actually hold true. 

Our brain is not the static organ we once believed it was. Modern neuroscience has proven that brains have an innate capacity to change (neuroplasticity) and form new neural pathways (neurogenesis). While it’s widely known that addiction “rewires the brain,” it’s also possible to grow neural pathways that shed the need for substances. The Sanctuary offers methods to support these changes, such as superfood nutrition, brain supplement protocol and immersive eco-therapy.

What Are the Chances of Relapsing After Going Through a Holistic Treatment Center?

You completed your inpatient treatment — now it’s time to go back into the world. Stepping back into outside environments and avoiding triggers can be an intimidating prospect. We understand how important it is to implement what you’ve learned in rehab into your daily life. That’s why we offer continuing care support as an integrated part of our program: you’ll start working on your transition plan from your very first days of treatment.

This personalized aftercare program is developed while you’re in treatment with the guidance of our transition-specialized staff. Our Transition Wellness Coaching program includes:

  • Continuing therapy for eight weeks: weekly individual calls with a therapist you’ve already built a relationship with, on top of group support calls.
  • Building your understanding of recovery: more advanced coursework that builds on the knowledge you gained during inpatient treatment.
  • Connecting you to important resources: we link you up with local coaches and therapists we know and trust, so you can continue the therapies that resonate most with you.
  • Hands-on continuing care: as you grow your support network and progress in your practices, our dedicated team will always be available to talk and offer support.

What makes our aftercare support so unique is the high level of personal attention you’ll receive. We give you tools to help you action what you’ve learned in treatment, and spend as much time with you as needed to make sure these new routines and perspectives are grounded in your life.

What Can I Expect During Recovery at The Sanctuary?

We believe that a program isn’t really holistic if any part of the healing process is ignored. Our treatments place equal importance on clinical, scientific, energetic, physical, and nutritional care. Meanwhile, your therapists will closely monitor your experience to make sure you’re receiving the full benefits of each stage of healing.

Here, you can expect:

  • A fully integrated program that doesn’t just offer alternative therapies as add-ons
  • Advanced treatment methods informed by groundbreaking science
  • A welcoming, down-to-earth community
  • Amazing organic, anti-inflammatory food that nourishes you on a cellular level and accelerates your healing processes
  • Every component of your treatment tied together in a complete, organized experience

How Can The Sanctuary at Sedona Help Me?

Here’s what some of our past clients have said about their time at The Sanctuary:

“I’m amazed how the staff would make the program unique for each person… how everything fit together for wherever I was at, at that time.”

“I’ve changed in terms of what’s important to me. I want to show up for my life now. I want to be there. I do not want to miss a moment.”

“You’ll transform into the most authentic version of yourself.”

“You’ll transform into the most authentic version of yourself.”

Discover a Truly Holistic Recovery Program at The Sanctuary

At The Sanctuary Holistic Healing Center, we see the recovery journey as a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual one — and offer treatments that take you through all parts of this journey. Our team is by your side at every step. They pay close attention to your progress, making sure your program changes and evolves just as you do. This is one-on-one healing work on a whole new level.

It’s time to go beyond just treating symptoms of addiction or mental illness and take back your life. Discover a new way to connect with the world around you. Explore your relationship to yourself, and learn how to let it flourish. 

If you’re ready to experience life-changing healing while immersed in Sedona’s breathtaking natural beauty, please contact us today to talk about your first steps. We look forward to being a part of your holistic healing journey.

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