Soul Sickness and Core Wounds, Pt. 4: Defectiveness

Soul Sickness and Core Wounds, Pt. 4: Defectiveness

Soul wounds, as The Sanctuary’s founder Dean Taraborelli puts it, are “the granddaddy of all wounds.” We all have them, and they’re all real. And if we don’t do the work required to process them and let them go, they can show up in our life in very disruptive ways. This is your soul’s way […]

Betrayal photo

Soul Sickness and Core Wounds, Pt. 3: Betrayal

Wounds are a part of life. No matter how hard we try, or how together our lives may seem from the outside, we all sustain them. Pain is a natural part of the human experience. And while not always desirable, it’s entirely normal. Soul wounds affect us the most intensely of all. These archetypal issues […]

Photo of Soul Sickness and Core Wounds, Pt. 2: Abuse

Soul Sickness and Core Wounds, Pt. 2: Abuse

No one has a perfect life. We all incur trauma in one way or another. And whether this happens in early childhood or later adult life, it has the potential to leave an imprint on us. This profoundly affects our worldview and the outcomes of our relationships. Humans are very adaptable, and you may live […]

Photo of Soul Sickness and Core Wounds

Soul Sickness and Core Wounds, Pt. 1: Abandonment

There are only so many fundamental ways that a human being can hurt. These wounds are markers of soul sickness, and if they’re not addressed, they can show up in our lives as addiction or mental health crises. One of these archetypal issues is abandonment. This can manifest as loneliness and being unable to find […]

What are Some Techniques for Overcoming Addiction? Photo

What are Some Techniques for Overcoming Addiction?

It’s easy for addictions to develop undetected. No one intends to start a toxic relationship with drugs, alcohol, food, or sex. But often what begins as occasional release, becomes a pattern that’s no longer in our control. In the beginning, you might tell yourself that you can quit whenever you want. But when the time […]

Holistic Heroin Treatment Center


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What Is Psychotherapy? Psychotherapy uses psychological treatment to help clients overcome the challenges and symptoms of emotional and mental health issues. Also known as talk therapy, psychotherapy is designed to take you on a journey of understanding. Whether you struggle with addiction or your life is marred by past trauma, this evidence-based yet compassionate form […]

How is Ketamine Therapy Used for Depression Photo

How is Ketamine Therapy Used for Depression?

Today, there are many effective medications and treatments for the millions of people who experience depression. But none of them are a “one-size-fits all” solution. In fact, for nearly a third of those diagnosed with depression, conventional depression treatments are not effective. Every person’s genetics and experiences are so diverse and unique that it often […]

NAD + Therapy Repair the Brain Photo

How Does NAD + Therapy Repair the Brain?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD+, is a substance that naturally occurs in your body. It affects the way your cells work, how quickly your tissues repair themselves, and, in turn, how well your brain functions. And because of its well-documented ability to improve brain function even after long-term substance abuse, it’s an incredible therapy that […]

How is NAD+ Therapy Used for Drug Detox? Photo of Sedona

How is NAD+ Therapy Used for Drug Detox?

The natural nutrient therapy NAD+ is well known among alternative medicine practitioners as an effective way to detoxify the body and improve health. Now, it’s becoming increasingly popular as a way to support detox from chemical dependencies on substances like alcohol, opiates, and prescription opioids. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD, is a coenzyme that naturally […]

Benefits of NAD+ IV Therapy in Addiction Recovery Photo of NAD process

Brain Function and Cellular Regeneration Benefits of NAD+ IV Therapy

Addiction takes a toll on your body and brain. When you use substances like alcohol, street drugs, or prescription medication over a period of time, they prevent your body from absorbing the essential nutrients it needs. That’s because substances like these impair the processes your body uses to keep itself in balance, like digestion. Going […]