Cocaine’s Effects On Your Energy Centers

There’s a reason cocaine is so addictive — because it feels good. When it’s snorted, smoked or injected, it crosses the blood-brain barrier right away, resulting in an intense rush. Your confidence immediately soars, inhibitions vanish and energy levels skyrocket — until shortly afterward, when it all comes crashing down. The good sensations plummet during this crash, leaving you with an intense low feeling.

Cocaine negatively affects your body’s chakras, which are known as your energy centers. Healing these energy centers can help you restore balance, peace and health as you recover.

How Cocaine Upsets Our Energy System

If cocaine’s perceived effects are intense, imagine what it’s doing to you in ways you can’t see. Your body is its own energy field, and your life force flows through a series of energy centers, or chakras interspersed throughout it. Drugs have a profound effect on this entire system.  

Naturally, as spiritual beings, our bodies, minds, souls and spirits desire to stay in balance. When they’re not — when there’s toxicity and obstruction in our energy system — it makes us feel bad. Too often, we think of drugs as a shortcut to feeling better again. However, this quick-fix approach makes us feel worse and harms us on a deep, energetic level that puts us even more out of touch with our true, best selves.

Because all of our systems are interconnected, what hurts one hurts the other. Damage to your energetic system can show up in all other forms of physical and mental ailments.

Understanding Your Chakras

Chakras are your body’s energy centers, and they help regulate parts of yourself, such as your emotions, organ functions, immune system, creativity and overall well-being. Your body has seven chakras, starting at the base of your spine and ending at the crown of your head. Ancient and spiritual texts associate each chakra with a specific color, vibrational frequency and function that it affects.

Cocaine is a powerful drug that disrupts our energetic connectivity and flow, creating a broken state in which we’re vulnerable to all kinds of harm and more likely to seek comfort in other toxic behaviors and substances. Healing from cocaine use is all about correcting these energetic pathways and strengthening our connection to our higher selves. While all mind-altering substances affect your energy centers, cocaine addiction tends to affect specific ones more than others:  

Root Chakra

People believe that the root chakra is an individual’s foundation. It’s where your health and empowerment stem from, allowing your overall well-being to grow. This energy center is the source of your commitment, stability and routines. When it’s healthy, it provides the following benefits:

  • Presence and focus
  • A sense of security
  • Responsibility and reliability
  • Feeling connected to the self and others
  • A strong survival instinct
  • The ability to care for oneself

When the root chakra is out of balance, it can sink you deeper into unhealthy habits, making you feel stuck. Some symptoms of an imbalanced root chakra are the following:

  • Anxiety or stress
  • Depression
  • Constipation
  • Exhaustion or lethargy
  • Rushing between tasks or an inability to start a task
  • Distractability
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Low motivation

Cocaine addiction is associated with an overactive root chakra. People tend to feel overly fearful or jittery when this chakra is overactive.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is the source of your spiritually guided willpower, or the part of you that puts you in greater control of your life. It’s related to your adrenaline and metabolism, as well as your fears and anxieties — all areas that are heavily impacted by cocaine use. A balanced solar plexus chakra typically makes you feel:

  • Confident
  • Empowered 
  • Worthy
  • Purposeful
  • Ready to face challenges

When your solar plexus chakra is imbalanced, you most likely experience the following negative feelings:

  • Lack of purpose or control
  • Powerlessness
  • Self-doubt

Sacral Chakra

According to ancient texts, the sacral chakra represents and regulates our creativity, pleasure and sexuality. A balanced sacral chakra makes you feel the following moods and emotions:

  • Passion
  • Playfulness
  • Friendliness
  • Sexual fulfillment
  • Optimistic mood
  • Natural flirtatiousness
  • Greater intimacy
  • Increased intuition

An imbalanced sacral chakra causes the following: 

  • Emotional isolation or numbness: With an imbalanced sacral chakra, you may feel emotionally drained or numb. This can cause you to lose touch with your emotions and turn to unhealthy distractions such as substance use, social media scrolling, excessive online gaming or a poor diet.
  • Repressed creativity: Since an imbalanced sacral chakra can make you distract yourself with empty distractions, it also hinders your creativity. When you’re watching television or scrolling through an app, you neglect the part of your energy that wants to create, play with new ideas and have fun.
  • Sexual dysfunction: When the sacral chakra is imbalanced, you may find it challenging to experience sexual intimacy.

If you have an overactive sacral chakra, you may crave power or act with manipulation. Conversely, an underactive sacral chakra can make you feel shy, guilty or lost. You may fear social interaction or worry excessively about what others think about you.

How to Heal Your Chakras

Healing chakras helps restore our physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological balance. You can heal the following chakras with various healthy habits and activities:

Healing Your Root Chakra

Balancing the root chakra is primarily about grounding yourself. You can heal your root chakra with the following practices:

  • Meditations
  • Breathwork
  • Movement
  • Ritual
  • Sound
  • Touch
  • Affirmations

Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra

Healing practices for the solar plexus chakra are similar to the root chakra’s healing practices. However, they are slightly different because the solar plexus is related to the sun and the navel. Because of this, you can balance your solar plexus with activities and practices related to the sun, the color yellow and the torso, such as the following:

  • Yoga poses with twisting motions, such as a supine spinal twist or a seated spinal twist
  • The sun salutation yoga pose
  • Meditative candle glazing
  • Short meditations in the sun while wearing high-SPF sunscreen
  • Cardio exercise
  • Nourishing food

How to Heal Your Sacral Chakra

Engaging in a creative hobby or activity can help you heal your sacral chakra. The creative activity should be something you enjoy, and it’s important to avoid perfectionism. You don’t need to be an artist or good at what you do — the only goal is to activate the creative part of yourself. You can paint, sketch, take a dance class, cook a new recipe, write a short story or partake in anything that you’re passionate about. Allow yourself to make mistakes and engage in the activity without judgment or expectations.

Sound can also help you heal this chakra. Chanting mantras can activate and energize the sacral chakra.

Holistically and Completely Recovering From Cocaine Addiction

While people commonly experience sober periods between cocaine binges, the fact is that you’ll likely return to it until you heal energetically from cocaine’s damage. Because cocaine is extremely psychologically addictive, detoxing is acute in the early stages. However, once you address its root cause, you’ll see that the intense cravings that once felt like an inescapable trap simply fall away.

Heal From Cocaine Addiction Holistically at The Sanctuary at Sedona

Your energy centers play a significant part in your addiction recovery and healing process. Healing your chakras can help you return to your true self and restore your overall well-being. The Sanctuary offers substance use recovery treatment that addresses the whole person, including the chakras. Our holistic approach combines various healing practices such as yoga, movement, sound healing, meditation, nutritious food and expressive art therapy.

At The Sanctuary, our non-12 step approach rejects self-defeating beliefs that perpetuate victimhood and lead to self-fulfilling lifelong addiction. We understand the powerful connection between our thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and we use this knowledge to influence our lives positively. By challenging our beliefs and learning true self-love and self-empowerment, we can fully recover and create our own destinies. Contact us online, email us at [email protected] or call us at (866) 668-7987 to learn more about integrative addiction recovery and how you can heal.

Learn more about what makes integrative addiction recovery different.

For more information on The Sanctuary and our unique, holistic addiction treatment program, contact us online, call us at (877) 710-3385 or email us at [email protected].  

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